About Us

Your translation team

Audentia Prijevodi has been providing professional language services since 2008. When we first opened for business that year, we were a one-person enterprise. Ana-Marija Huzjan, our company’s founder and managing director, is a South Slavicist and Croatian language professor as well as an English, Macedonian, Slovene, and Serbian court interpreter. We’ve operating successfully under her capable management ever since. Because of our large network of collaborators, we are able to provide comprehensive and exceptional language services to a diverse spectrum of satisfied clients.

We serve the linguistic needs of enterprises, craftsmen, government agencies and institutions, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. Each project is a new opportunity for us to demonstrate our capabilities and provide you with the best service possible.

Language services

We provide quick and high-quality written translation or interpreting, court-certified translation, audiovisual translation, proofreading and editing, graphic text processing, and language localization.

Translators, court interpreters, and proofreaders

Our court interpreters, translators, and proofreaders are a well-coordinated team of highly educated language experts and native speakers. They have demonstrated exceptional skills and proven themselves through long-term, successful collaborations.

CAT tools

We guarantee our consumers short deadlines, uniformity, and compliance with translations by utilizing the latest CAT tools. We also provide our clients with the option of creating a personalized translation memory, terminological databases, and glossaries.

The expertise and experience of Audentia Prijevodi, as well as human resources and software support, enable us to provide professional language services that have a significant impact on your day-to-day business and daily life.

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7 days ago

📢 Za postupak priznavanja i vrednovanja inozemne obrazovne kvalifikacije u Republici Hrvatskoj potreban vam je 💥OVJERENI PRIJEVOD💥🔎U tu svrhu obično svakako će vam biti potreban ovjereni prijevod:➡ diplome➡ uvjerenja o položenim ispitimaUz to, može vam biti potreban i prijevod dodatka diplomi, licence, uvjerenja o poznavnaju jezika, osobnih isprava i sl.✅ Naši iskusni sudski tumači pripremit će vaš prijevod u najkraćem mogućem roku uz najviše strukovne standarde.📩 Svu dokumentaciju možete nam dostaviti skenom na info@audentia-prijevodi.com ili WhatsAppom na +385 91 159 29 29......#nostrifikacija #prijevod #ovjereniprijevod #sudskitumač #prevoditelj #PrijevodDiplome #sudskitumačzaengleski #sudskitumačzanjemački #sudskitumačzaslovenski #sudskitumačzasrpski See MoreSee Less
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An extensive network
of translators, court interpreters,
and proofreaders

A number of satisfied clients from
the private, public, and civil sector

Your link to the
languages ​​of the world

Specialized in:

    Court-certified and non-certified translation of court decisions and rulings, submissions, letters, POA, notarial acts, notarial certificates, articles of incorporation, criminal record certificates, extracts from the court registers, excerpts from the birth, marriage, death registers, court expert findings and opinions
    Court-certified and non-certified translation of financial reports, bank guarantees, credit agreements, trade documentation, tender documentation, certificates, catalogues, business corespondence (e-mails), language localization for products and services
    Court-certified and non-certified translation of medical findings, instruction for use of medical devices and equipment, medical products catalogues, declarations of compliance, certificates
    Court-certified and non-certified translation of insurance contracts, general terms and conditions, internal business documentation, insurance policies
    Court-certified and non-certified translation of safety data sheets, instructions for use, installation manuals, handbooks, catalogues, language localization for products
    Translation and proofreading of marketing materials, certificates, instructions for use, declarations, social media content
    Translation and proofreading of thesis, scholary papers, articles, publications, textbooks, brochures, diplomas, certificates of completion
    Translation and proofreading of websites, itineraries, catalogues, brochures, social media content
    Translation and proofreading of campaing materials, slogans, catalogues, albums, brochuers, leaflets, flyers, social media content, presentations
Prijevod ugovora. Pravo i uprava.
Medical translation. Medical industry translation. Medical report translation. Medical findings translation. Medicine.
Obrazovanje. Prijevod diplome.