Translation, interpreting, and proofreading

Our translators, court interpreters, and proofreaders are available for all of your language-related needs.

Neovjereni prijevod. Pisani prijevod. Written translation. Non-certified translation.

Non-certified Translation

The most in-demand language services are non-certified translations. CAT tools ensure that even the most extensive documentation is translated quickly, uniformly, and consistently.

More about Translation

Ovjereni prijevod. Sudski tumač. Ovjera prijevoda. Certified translation.

Certified Translation

This form of translation is usually produced for natural and legal entities for use in their day-to-day activities. Courts, ministries, and other governmental organizations frequently require certified translations of pertinent documentation.

More about Certified Translation

Sudski tumač. Ovjereni prijevod. Sudski tumač za slovenski. Sudski tumač za srpski. Sudski tumač za engleski. Court interpreter.

Court Interpreter

A translator who has been appointed as a court interpreter by the County Court of the Republic of Croatia. He is qualified to provide a certified translation at the request of individuals, companies…

More about Court Interpreter

Usmeni prijevod na sastancima. Interpreting


Interpreting – consecutive and whispered interpreting (chuchotage) for the needs of business meetings, workshops, tours and similar.

More about Interpreting

Lektura i redaktura. Uređivanje teksta. Help with proofreading and editing

Proofreading and editing

Grammatical errors leave a bad impression. Language services of proofreading and editing will allow you to present yourself in the best possible light.

More about Editing

Lokalizacija. Jezična lokalizacija. Localizacija teksta. Localization.


Translation of the text part of software, web pages, mobile applications, computer games… is part of the process of localizing a product or service for the target market.

More about Localization

ALBANIAN court interpreter and translator
BOSNIAN court interpreter and translator
BULGARIAN court interpreter and translator
CZECH court interpreter and translator
ENGLISH court interpreter and translator
FRENCH court interpreter and translator
MACEDONIAN court interpreter and translator
HUNGARIAN court interpreter and translator
GERMAN court interpreter and translator
RUSSIAN court interpreter and translator
SLOVENIAN court interpreter and translator
SERBIAN court interpreter and translator
SPANISH court interpreter and translator
ITALIAN court interpreter and translator
TURKISH court interpreter and translator
UKRANIAN court interpreter and translator

Transaltion and interpreting. Foreign languages. Communication. World languages.